Reference ingredients stop-motion video from a Sophomore student.

Follow these steps to produce your stop-motion animation:

  1. Determine the subject of your video and gather all necessary ingredients.
  2. Set up your workspace by laying out a piece of colorful construction paper as a backdrop and surface to work on. Place your camera on a stable tripod or similar object to ensure it remains stationary.
  3. Connect your iPhone’s wired earphones to the device.
  4. Set up soft lighting to illuminate your set.
  5. Plan out the movement of your ingredients in the frame.
  6. Open the Stop Motion Studio app on your iPhone.
  7. Begin shooting your video, taking about 100 images to create a 10 second video at 12 frames per second. It is important to shoot the sequence in one continuous session and only release the shutter using the remote cable to ensure a smooth and consistent video.
  8. Once you have completed shooting, export your video to HD file format.

    Your final product should be an 8-10 second long video at 12 frames per second.
Another excellent example of a stop motion animation made by one of our Sophomore students.