Each week, we’ll provide you with a prompt that includes specific elements to incorporate into your photographs. We know that some of the prompts may seem unusual or even a bit random, but we promise there’s a method to the madness! By challenging you to work with specific constraints, we’re helping you develop problem-solving skills and learn to think outside the box.

But these assignments aren’t just about technical skill-building. We also want to inspire you to explore the many possibilities of photography and push your creative boundaries. Whether you’re an experienced pro or just starting out, we believe that these assignments can help you grow and improve as a photographer.

So join us for our weekly Photo of the Week challenge, and let’s see what amazing images you can create!

52 Weekly Photography Prompts to Inspire Your Creativity: Photo of the Week Challenge

1. Lost and Found

Photograph an object that looks lost or out of place in its surroundings.

2. Window Shopping

Capture an interesting scene through a shop window.

3. Framed

Photograph a scene or subject framed by a physical object, such as a doorway or window.

4. On the Road

Capture something interesting on a road trip, such as a unique landscape or roadside attraction.

5. Out of Reach

Photograph something that is just out of reach or inaccessible.

6. Through the Looking Glass

Capture a scene or subject reflected in a mirror or other reflective surface.

7. In the Wild

Photograph an animal in its natural habitat.

8. Playing with Perspective

Experiment with different perspectives to create an interesting and unique photograph.

9. Hidden Beauty

Photograph something beautiful that is often overlooked or hidden from view.

10. Fragments

Capture a scene or subject as fragments, rather than as a whole.

11. Nature’s Patterns

Photograph patterns found in nature, such as the veins of a leaf or the petals of a flower.

12. Bright Lights

Capture an interesting scene at night or in low light conditions.

13. Life in Motion

Photograph a moving subject, such as a dancer or athlete.

14. Urban Exploration

Capture an interesting scene in an urban setting, such as a graffiti-covered wall or a bustling city street.

15. Up Close and Personal

Take a close-up photograph of an interesting subject, such as an insect or flower.

16. In the Shadows

Photograph a scene or subject that is partially or completely in shadow.

17. A Splash of Color

Photograph a scene or subject with a bold, vibrant color as the focal point.

18. Texture and Contrast

Photograph a scene or subject that emphasizes texture and contrast.

19. A Different Angle

Experiment with shooting a scene or subject from a different angle or perspective.

20. On the Water

Photograph a scene or subject on or near water, such as a boat or a lighthouse.

21. Industrial Landscapes

Take photographs of industrial areas or structures, highlighting the beauty in their raw and rugged nature.

22. Silent Streets

Capture images of deserted streets and cityscapes, making use of the emptiness to create interesting perspectives.

23. Vanishing Points

Use the idea of perspective and distance to create images that draw the viewer’s attention towards a specific vanishing point.

24. Weathered

Take images of weathered, worn-out structures or objects, and capture the beauty in their aging.

25. Double Exposure

Experiment with creating double exposure images, overlaying two separate images to create a unique visual story.

26. Symmetry

Use symmetry to create balanced, harmonious images, playing with shapes and patterns.

27. In Motion

Take photographs that capture motion, whether it be a speeding car or a flying bird, and use techniques such as panning to create interesting compositions.

28. Abstract

Create abstract images that leave the viewer guessing, using techniques such as zooming, blurring, or cropping to obscure the original subject.

29. Time-lapse

Use time-lapse photography to capture a series of images over an extended period of time, creating unique and interesting compositions.

30. Minimalism

Create images that make use of simple, clean lines and negative space, using minimalism to create a striking image.

31. Urban Decay

Capture the beauty in decaying or abandoned urban areas, showcasing the grit and character of these forgotten spaces.

32. Natural Wonders

Photograph the awe-inspiring beauty of natural landscapes, capturing the majesty of mountains, waterfalls, and other natural wonders.

33. Nightscapes

Take images at night that capture the beauty of cities and landscapes, making use of the lights and shadows to create a unique visual experience.

34. Serenity

Create images that evoke a sense of calm and tranquility, using nature or minimalism to create a peaceful composition.

35. Shadows and Light

Capture the interplay between shadows and light in a scene or subject.

36. Tilted Perspective

Experiment with tilted or skewed perspectives to create an interesting and dynamic photograph.

37. Reflections

Photograph a scene or subject reflected in a body of water, such as a lake or river.

38. Intentional Blur

Use intentional blur to create a unique and artistic effect in your photographs.

39. Cityscapes

Capture the vibrancy and energy of a cityscape, showcasing its architecture and culture.

40. Patterns and Repetition

Photograph patterns and repetition found in man-made structures or objects.

41. Macro Photography

Take close-up photographs of small subjects, such as insects or flowers, to showcase their intricate details.

42. Emotion

Capture emotions and expressions in your photographs, conveying a sense of mood and feeling.

43. High Contrast

Create images with high contrast, using stark differences between light and dark to create a striking effect.

44. Long Exposure

Use long exposure techniques to create a unique and dreamy effect in your photographs, such as capturing the motion of clouds or water.

45. Negative Space

Use negative space to create a minimalistic and striking composition, emphasizing the subject by isolating it from the surroundings.

46. Color Theory

Photograph scenes or subjects that showcase color theory principles, such as complementary colors or monochromatic schemes.

47. Weather

Capture the mood and drama of different weather conditions, such as rain, fog, or snow.

48. Still Life

Create a still life composition, arranging objects in an interesting and artistic way to create a visually appealing photograph.

49. People in Motion

Photograph people in motion, such as dancers or athletes, showcasing their movement and energy.

50. Reflections in Glass

Capture reflections in glass surfaces, such as buildings or storefronts, creating a unique and artistic effect.

51. Night Sky

Take photographs of the night sky, including stars, planets, and other celestial objects.

52. Street Photography

Capture candid and interesting moments on the streets, showcasing the energy and diversity of urban life.