Capturing Stunning Environmental Portraits with Personality and Composition.

In this lesson, you will learn about environmental portraits and how to capture them using your camera. Environmental portraits tell a story about the person in the photo, and by the end of this lesson, you will have the skills to take beautiful portraits that capture the essence of your subject.

Artist James Alfie photographed in front of his new mural in the Pico/Robertson neighborhood of Los Angeles.


In this lesson, you will learn about environmental portraits and how to capture them using your camera. Environmental portraits tell a story about the person in the photo, and by the end of this lesson, you will have the skills to take beautiful portraits that capture the essence of your subject.

PhotoClassOne The environment without the portrait. The finished mural shown here for context


To take a beautiful environmental portrait, you must first consider the environment that best showcases your subject’s personality and interests. Think about the subject’s occupation, hobbies, or interests when choosing a location. For example, if the subject is a musician, you may choose a music studio or a live stage. If the subject is a chef, you may choose a kitchen or a restaurant.

Once you have chosen the perfect location, consider the lighting to create a mood and use natural light to enhance the image. Try to shoot during the “golden hour” (the hour after sunrise and the hour before sunset) when the light is soft and warm. If shooting indoors, use a window as a natural light source or add artificial lighting to enhance the environment.

When it comes to poses and angles, encourage your subject to act naturally and be themselves. Guide them to interact with their environment, and experiment with different angles to capture their unique features and expressions.


Now, it’s time to put your skills into practice! Find someone you know (a family member, friend, or colleague) and ask them to be your subject. Choose a location that showcases their personality and interests, and experiment with different poses and angles to capture the perfect shot.

When it comes to angles, there’s one trick that can really make your environmental portraits stand out – using a wide-angle lens. This allows you to capture not just your subject but also the surrounding environment in the frame. To do this, you should place your subject close enough to the camera so that they fill the frame, while also showing enough of the environment to give context to the image.

For example, if you’re taking a portrait of someone in their garden, you could use a wide-angle lens to show the garden’s layout and the plants surrounding your subject. This not only adds visual interest to the image but also provides more information about your subject’s interests and hobbies.

So, when you’re out practicing your environmental portraits, try experimenting with a wide-angle lens and see how it can enhance your images. Remember to place your subject close enough to fill the frame, and show enough of the environment to give context to the image.

After taking your photos, upload them to your computer and use photo editing software to enhance them if necessary. Experiment with different adjustments, such as exposure, contrast, and saturation, to make your photos stand out.


Congratulations, you’ve learned how to take beautiful environmental portraits that capture the essence of your subject! Remember to consider the environment, lighting, and poses when taking photos, and keep practicing and experimenting with different locations and lighting to improve your skills. With these tips and techniques, you’ll be able to take stunning environmental portraits that tell a unique story about your subject.