Mastering Motion: 3 Creative Shutter Effects Assignment

Capture motion creatively with 3 distinct techniques: night-time light trails, motion freeze, and subject freeze with a blurred background. Explore long exposure for captivating light trails, freeze fast-moving subjects with a quick shutter speed, and master panning to blur backgrounds while keeping the subject sharp.

Introduction to Shutter Speed in Photography

Learn the essential role of shutter speed in photography and its impact on conveying motion and exposure. Discover how this crucial setting affects the outcome of your images, whether freezing action or introducing captivating motion blur

Camera Shutter Speed and The Appearance of Motion

In this assignment, you'll experiment with how shutter speed affects motion. You'll photograph a subject at six different speeds, ranging from 1/15 sec. to 1/500 sec., and observe how each speed influences blur and freezing action. Working with a partner, you'll adjust settings to maintain consistent brightness, gaining valuable insights into the role of shutter speed in photography.

iMovie Keyboard Shortcuts

Increase Efficiency with Keyboard Shortcuts. Common Keyboard Shortcuts to speed up your workflow, start by using just one or two.… CONTINUE READING