
Reflections offer glimpses into alternate realities and hidden dimensions. As photographers, we have the unique opportunity to capture these fleeting moments and transform them into timeless works of art.

Theme Overview

Your task this week is to seek out reflections in any form they may take. From the polished surfaces of glass skyscrapers to the tranquil waters of a serene lake, or even a puddle of rain water, the world is brimming with opportunities to capture the magic of reflection.

Tips for Capturing Reflections

  1. Explore Diverse Environments: Venture beyond the familiar and seek out a variety of settings to discover unique reflections. Urban landscapes, natural surroundings, and man-made structures all offer rich opportunities for creative exploration.
  2. Harness the Power of Light: Pay close attention to how light interacts with reflective surfaces. Experiment with different angles and times of day to capture reflections in their most captivating form.
  3. Embrace Serendipity: Keep an open mind and allow yourself to be surprised by unexpected reflections. Sometimes, the most striking images emerge from serendipitous encounters with light and shadow.
  4. Experiment with Composition: Use reflections to add depth and dimension to your compositions. Play with framing, perspective, and symmetry to create visually compelling images.
  5. Stay Curious: Remain curious and open to experimentation. Don’t be afraid to push the boundaries of traditional photography techniques to capture reflections in innovative and unexpected ways.

Submission Guidelines

Once you’ve captured your reflection masterpiece, share it with the class by submitting your photograph on Schoology. Be sure to include a brief caption of your photo and what inspired you to choose your subject.


Reflections offer a glimpse into the beauty and complexity of the world around us. So grab your camera, venture forth, and let your imagination guide you as you seek out reflections in all their myriad forms.

Happy shooting!