Annie Leibovitz is renowned for her dramatic, quirky, and iconic photographic portraits of celebrities. Her style is characterized by carefully staged settings, superb lighting, and use of vivid color.

Early Career

Annie Leibovitz was born on October 2, 1949, in Waterbury, Connecticut. She studied painting at the San Francisco Art Institute before starting her photography career in the early 1970s. She began working as a staff photographer for Rolling Stone magazine in 1970 and quickly gained a reputation for her stunning portraits of musicians and other celebrities.

Rolling Stone

Leibovitz’s work for Rolling Stone magazine is considered to be some of her most influential. She photographed countless musicians and artists, including John Lennon, Bruce Springsteen, and Tina Turner. Her iconic portrait of Lennon, taken hours before he was assassinated, has become one of the most famous images in the history of photography.

PhotoClassOne The Rolling Stones, Philadelphia, 1975. Photograph © Annie Leibovitz. From ‘Annie Leibovitz At Work’

Influential Style

Leibovitz’s style is characterized by bold colors, dramatic lighting, and a sense of intimacy with her subjects. She has an incredible ability to capture the essence of her subjects in a single frame, often using unusual props and settings to create memorable images.

Important Works

Throughout her career, Leibovitz has produced many important works, including a series of portraits of the Queen of England, a powerful image of pregnant actress Demi Moore for the cover of Vanity Fair, and a stunning portrait of Olympic athlete Caitlyn Jenner. Her work has been featured in countless exhibitions, and she has received numerous awards for her contributions to the field of photography.

Controversial Criticism

Leibovitz’s work has not been without controversy, however. She has been criticized for some of her more provocative images, including a portrait of Miley Cyrus that many felt was overly sexualized. She has also been accused of heavily manipulating her images in post-production, although she has always maintained that her goal is to create a compelling image that captures the spirit of her subject.


Annie Leibovitz is a true master of her craft, and her contributions to the world of photography are immeasurable. Her unique style and ability to capture the essence of her subjects have made her one of the most influential photographers of our time. For high school photography students, studying Leibovitz’s work can provide a valuable lesson in the art of portraiture and the power of photography to capture the essence of a person.

Disclaimer: The photographs of Annie Leibovitz displayed on this website are used solely for educational purposes. The photographs are copyrighted material owned by Annie Leibovitz or her authorized representatives. No part of these photographs may be used or reproduced without permission from the copyright holder. The use of these photographs on this website is not intended to infringe on the copyright owner’s rights or to claim ownership of the copyrighted material. All images are used in good faith, in accordance with the principles of fair use, and with no commercial intent.